Friday, March 12, 2021

Guerilla Girls


"After years of our hoping on the issue, many important art galleries still don't get it. We had to use the most repugnant word we could think of to condemn them."

"After censoring our first effort, the Public Art Fund finally approved this billboard about censorship. We don't know who approved the ad that ran next to it."

    The Guerrilla Girls appear to be different that all the activist we have been learning about. Due to the fact, they try and attack all the corrupt and he inequality we face in our society. They try and wake those who have been programmed to used to these eerie subjects, normalizing them when in reality it is only nothing but unfair and cruel.

    The top poster states "Do women have to be naked to get into Met. Museum?.... Less than 5% of the artist in the modern art sections are women, but 85% of the nudes are female". they attack in both these pictures is how they dishonor women's dignity by using them for their body in order to access recognition in public places like museums. If you look closely to the image you see an inappropriate figure representing male gentiles, hence sending a message that women get controlled by men who only view women for their body not for their worth. Exposing the public's inaccurate meaning of worth "that women's worth comes from their body and shape".

    The second poster also relates to the top one because they also attack how much women are being valued to the public and the economy. The poster states "Women in America only 2/3 of what Men do. Women artists earn only 1/3 of what Men artists do". They than illustrate an even more powerful image displaying a dotted line only on 1/3 of the dollar showing that women aren't even worth the full dollar. However nor are Men, but tales why do men get a larger portion of it? These kind of posters stand how to those who programmed to feel this as normal, and to help wake them up to the truth of these feministic times

    "After years of our hoping on the issue, many important art galleries still don't get it. We had to use the most repugnant word we could think of to condemn them." This was the caption of the poster titles "these are the most Bigoted galleries in New York. The word that they described them with is Bigoted which means to expose the prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others. I liked the word because they couldn't have summarized it better in only one word. Under that title that lists the amount of women or even colored women. However the highest number in a Gallery of women  is 3 and 1 of colored women. showing barely women in galleries.

    "After censoring our first effort, the Public Art Fund finally approved this billboard about censorship. We don't know who approved the ad that ran next to it." the caption they used after having their work played with of the first poster I spoke about. Than Toyota sneak-attacked the subject by posting a guy painting the car captioned "Not all parts are created parts". This billboard talked about women aren't valued as great as men only because Men are born to be greater. this angered me a lot because as a man I am dishonored and in disbelief that women get to witness this injustice and also be dishonored in this way. I belief whether you are a man or a women, your hard work and personality is what shows your worth not your shape or color.

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